Ask Mira

Mira is a go-to source for nutrition and wellness and writes a weekly column in The Times Kuwait
on nutrition and also answers your queries. You can send in your questions to
To subscribe to her diet programs visit

Regular Mustard versus Dijon Mustard

I enjoy mustard a lot. It is my favorite condiment as it gives my food an extra flavor. But I always wondered what are...

Garlic : A Health Boosting Food

Ask Mira: Eating Right to Live Happy & Healthy Everyone has heard about the benefits of garlic. Garlic does more than make our food taste...

Nutrition has to do with everything

Nutrition, health, wellbeing, and beauty are all closely inter-related on multiple levels, and neglecting one can have a significant negative effect on another. Here is...

The consequences of emotional eating

For many people, their eating habits fluctuate based on their emotions. They binge in excess or sometimes on unhealthy foods when they are sad,...

Benefits of artichokes

I love artichokes.  I usually enjoy eating one plainly, or with a simple dipping sauce of olive oil, garlic and lemon sauce. Meanwhile, I...

Jallab Drink

Ask Mira : Eating Right to Live Happy & Healthy What is Jallab? Jallab is one of the most popular drinks in the Middle East. Jallab...

Dealing with unwanted gas and flatulence

Overeating, eating too quickly, excessive consumption of soft drinks, emotional stress and drinking while eating are some of the major causes of flatulence and...

Fight Bloating

Bloating is the sensation you get when your belly feels swollen and can often cause pain, discomfort and a stuffed feeling. It can also...

Five Vegetables will keep your Health at an Optimal Level

Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes are a rich source of B-complex vitamins, vitamin C, dietary fiber, carbohydrates and carotene. The CSPI, Center for Science in...

Kastana Time

Ask Mira : Eating Right to Live Happy & Healthy It is winter, it is Christmas time, and chestnuts or ‘kastana’ in Arabic, are one...

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