Return of Fiscal Policy

As we enter the last quarter of 2019 (and of the decade), cyclical indicators point to a slowing world economy amid wide-ranging structural challenges....

Fiscal Follies in COVID recovery

When COVID-19 went global about a year ago, the memory of the 2008 global financial crisis was still fresh, and policymakers pulled every lever...

Rays of Hope in the Climate Struggle

We have grown accustomed to grim climate news. Despite scientists’ warnings and communities’ protests, catastrophic floods, record-breaking heat waves, devastating wildfires, and famine-inducing droughts...

From Trade War to Subsidy WarFrom Trade War to Subsidy War

To the dismay of many economists, US President Joe Biden’s administration has retained most of its predecessor’s tariffs and trade barriers. In fact, contrary...

Taking Vaccines the Last Mile

A four-year-old girl recently came to the emergency room where I work as a resident doctor. She was writhing in pain, her body convulsed...

Growth could be Passé

It is clear: we are living beyond our planet’s limits. Unless we change something, the consequences will be dire. Should that something be our...

The Colonial Trap

On 20 February, 1947, Clement Attlee, the socialist British prime minister, informed parliament that India would become independent no later than June 1948. Attlee...

Eco-Economic Development

The Earth’s biodiversity and the services provided by healthy ecosystems are under massive pressure from climate change and the challenge of supporting eight billion...

Nature as Infrastructure

By Erik Berglöf Special to The Times Kuwait For millennia, natural infrastructure, such as river systems, wetlands, coastal plains, sand dunes, and forests, supported the development...

Tackling Inequality is a Political Choice

The world has made impressive strides in reducing extreme poverty, but that progress has slowed considerably in recent years. The problem is clear: eliminating...

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